The Trust has developed an interactive claims management tool that allows the claimant or the claimant’s representative to obtain information in an efficient manner. By logging into Trust Online, you will be able to:
- convert existing claims and review data into a Flintkote claim
- link claims for multiple trusts
- access detailed deficiency information and clear deficiencies electronically
- view the progress of your claim(s) anywhere in the review process, instantly
- have the ability to modify and supplement information online
- speed the claim review process and payment
- upload multiple claims using Microsoft Access
To access The Flintkote Asbestos Trust through Trust Online, the user need only register with the Trust by executing the Electronic Filer Agreement, which also governs the terms of the user’s access. To download the Primary Counsel or Pro Se E-Filer Agreement form simply click on the appropriate link. This form must be filled out completely, including all required signatures. Failure to do so will delay the registration process. Please mail back the completed registration forms to:
The Flintkote Asbestos Trust
P.O. Box 1033
Wilmington, DE 19899-1033
Attention: System Administrator
Once the E-Filer Agreement is reviewed and approved by the Trust, an account will be created for the user. The Trust will contact the user and provide confirmation of his/her user name and password. The user will then have immediate access to Trust Online.