
To identify all claims that have an open unvoided payment. The Report may include any and all claims where a full or partial payment have been made.

1) To run the Payment Extract report, log into Trust Online and click on the Reports tab.

Reports Tab

2) This will direct you to the Reports page which displays a list of pre-formatted reports in which everyone in your firm has access to.  Click on the Payment Extract report to begin the process.

Reports Page

3) After clicking on this report, a new page will be displayed with a number of criteria to select.  First select the Trust from the trust drop-down.  You may only select one Trust at a time.

Choose Trust

4) Next, select any of the Attorney(s) from the drop-down box or select All to run a report for all attorneys.

Select Status

5) Next, specify the Report Dates for the payments by entering the Start Date and the End Date in the appropriate date fields. The start and end dates are inclusive and any payments made on these dates will be included in the report.

6) Next, specify the Output Type from the drop-down box.  The option selected will mainly depend upon your reporting requirements.  To view the data in a readable formatted report, you may select PDF or EXCEL types.  The PDF version may be preferable when printing the formatted report.  For data in a spreadsheet format with simple column headings, select the CSV type.

Select Output

7) After selecting the Output Type, click on the Export button, a file will open with the following data:  Trust, Firm Name, Attorney Last Name, Attorney First Name, Attorney Middle Initial, Claim Number, SSN (Last 4 SSN), Claimant Last Name, Claimant First Name, Claimant Middle Initial, Payment Date, Principal Amount, Sequence Adjustment and Firm File Number.  Click on any of the report types below to view a sample report.

8) For additional information on the payments provided in the Payment Extract Report, the user may proceed to the Notifications page for the FK Trust and open the report dated 12/14/2020.

9) This Payment Notifications report will provide additional information concerning the Check Number/ACH Wire Transfer Number, Process Option and Payment Type.

You have completed the Payment Extract Report Tutorial. We hope that the lesson was informative and helpful. If you would like additional assistance, please contact the Trust at (866) 665-5790. For a printer friendly version of this tutorial click on the link below.

Payment Extract Report Tutorial